This taster class is a slightly shorter version of a full Little STEAMers class - it takes less than 20 minutes.
It's designed to introduce both your staff and children to Little STEAMers and show how you can easily bring STEAM learning to your setting.
The topic is floating and sinking because this will already be a familiar concept to most of your children and is always fun for children of all ages. All you'll need is a water tray/table and some floating and sinking objects.
Scroll down and click Get Taster Class now to access, then get ready to have fun with your class! What have you got to lose?
"My class loved Little STEAMers so much we signed up for a whole term. Even the staff love joining in with the song at the end. It's the highlight of our week!"
Here's the video for the class when you're ready to watch!
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